High Protien, High Fat, Overnight Breakfast Cups


I thoroughly enjoy eating healthy, and no I’m not a crazy health freak. A few years ago I started making decisions that would help improve my mental health. I cut out alcohol almost completely (I’ll still have wine with dinner on occasion, and I really enjoy a white wine sauce with muscles), I started working out more in the kind of way that makes me feel good versus getting results, I started doing activities that I loved without waiting for someone to do them with, I started spending more time with fewer people, and I changed my diet!

So what do I eat? Well, I love to cook, though please don’t ask me to bake… it’s not my priority. I enjoy creating good food and even more than that: connecting with it! Making food from scratch makes me feel calm, it slows my mind down and has become somewhat of a medatitive practice (until of course it’s time to do the dishes). I eat mainly a vegan diet, though have grass fed butter in my coffee, local farmed eggs, and the occasional seafood if some friends have gone out fishing or crabbing etc. I don’t eat meat… for many reasons. The activist in me is absolutly discusted by our meat and dairy industry and I cannot support it, and although I have the opportunity to eat wild game that friends of mine have ethically hunted, I’ve never killed an animal before and don’t feel I have the right to eat one without going through the process of killing, cleaning, and preparing it… and to date I have been unable to do that. So no meat.

With that being said, I function the best on a high protien, high fat diet. I feel the best when I start my day with lots of fat and consume protien throughout the day… sure I crave carbs here and there, but ever since I went sugar free for two months a year and a half ago (sugar FREE.. like, no fruit either!!!) I havn’t had nearly as many cravings as I used to.

This is my favourite recipe to start my day! Typically I like it in small mason jars, which for my activity level and appetite suit me best, but I often make it in the medium sized mason jars and eat it throughout the day!


This is not a formal recipe and honestly you’ll have to go somewhere else if you want the percentage of daily protein, fats and carbs… I just don’t do that. I’m big on “feeeeeeeelings” and how this makes me feel is AWESOME! For me… this is the perfect recipe.

Quinoa Protien Cups ingredients

  • cooked quinoa
  • chia seeds 
  • hemp hearts
  • full fat coconut milk out of the can
  • stevia to taste
  • frozen fruit or banana
  • almond butter (sometimes)
  • coconut flakes (sometimes)
  • Almond milk

Alternative sweetners: honey, maple syrup, molasses,  or agave… though maybe not all at the same time!

I like to layer it in typically the above order… adding the almond milk after so that everything doesn’t overflow… then pop it in the fridge and enjoy a easy breakfast in the morning!! I love this one when I’m going to the gym in the morning as a post work out meal, I love it when I’m sitting in my office after I’ve enjoyed my coffee, and I LOVE making lots and sharing it with the wonderful people in my life, because food is always better when shared!

Et voila! Bonne appetite!

If you have any questions about this post or would like more of this type of recipe, comment below!!

