Dark Moon Wisdom

There is a day or two each lunar cycle where I stop moving. I rest deeply. This day falls in line with one of two possibilities: the day before and after the dark moon or the day before and after menstruation begins. During the early stages of pregnancy, I struggled to find my rhythm; my inner cycle had become the beautiful symphonic conductor of my life, shifting into a new phase of womanhood threw me off. What I thought I knew about myself changed. It wasn’t until I was in week 21 of pregnancy that I finally felt attuned to a new rhythm, one without menstruation.

Now, as I write this at almost 35 weeks pregnant and three lunar cycles later, I feel the moon’s rhythms more acutely than ever. I sink luxuriously into the full stop of the Dark Moon, peaceful, heavy, and emotional. There is nothing on my to-do list; there are no intentions to set, no actions to take, and no decisions to be made. I may rest here, daydream, enjoy subtle pleasures and love and witness whatever arises within me.

Deepening Your Rest

Coming to a full stop in our culture is not easy; it goes against what we have been conditioned to do. We are productive; we are busy, have a lot going on, and are dutiful contributors to our family, communities, and society – these beliefs function within us, sometimes sitting on the surface and other times hidden within our bones.

Going cold-turkey on your to-do list may not feel very good. However, as we enter the climax of the Dark Moon through each new lunar cycle, I encourage you to slow down more and more. This time may encompass the first two of the Four Inner Phases of the Dark/New Moon and menstruation found in the Dreaming Under The Dark Moon Lesson in the Creating On Purpose: Moon Magic & Manifestation Course. As you sink into your separation and surrender, you may enjoy doing some of the following suggestions: 

  • Sink into story – be it your favourite t.v. Drama, familiar fantasies that soothe your system, the dreamworld of mythology, or the playful make-believe of childhood books
  • Melt into your senses – use essential oils, candles, herbs or incenses to create an environment of peace and ease. Massage your hands or feet, move in pleasurable ways, or enjoy food that tastes good and brings you joy.
  • Create for the pleasure of it – Create art. Create through music, story, food, textiles, earth, clay, wood, or any other medium you feel drawn to. Let go of the artistic outcome and enjoy the process, the textures, the feelings in your hands, the colours, the smells – sink into the sheer enjoyment of the process. 
  • Rest – this may include sleep, deep breathing, more extended savasanas in your yoga or mindful movement practices, hot baths, or long slow walks in nature – you decide.
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Tuning In

As I previously mentioned, we are not conditioned to allow ourselves to rest, and allowing yourself to do so may go against everything you think you need to do. As you practice this slowing down on the days around the Dark Moon, you may notice some anxiety arising. You may experience inner voices judging you to be lazy, telling you “you should be doing more,” or possibly thoughts of being untethered, scattered or directionless. We are not going to push these thoughts or feelings away; we will not tell them that they are wrong or that they shouldn’t be here, and we will not demonize them. These voices, narratives and feelings are part of us – and all of us is welcome.

As we move through the lunar cycles and our inner moons, again and again, we will witness different parts of ourselves, learn deeper layers, and gently explore who we are, how we are, and the power of our being. 

Some of the wisdom that has come forward for me through working with Lunar Magic is the wisdom of slowness. These parts of ourselves that show up when we begin dismantling our beliefs and opting for a different way of being do not all need to be addressed simultaneously. For example, we may have the energy to sit with one part, perhaps the one that judges us to be lazy. The other parts we may hear, honour and accept that we cannot give ourselves the full rest of the Dark Moon quite yet. So instead, we can wean ourselves off this cultural programming one lunar cycle at a time, with gentleness and compassion for the parts of us that feel anxious, that tell us we should be doing more, or any other way they show up within our system.

Building Relationship With Our Parts

As you slow down for this Dark Moon, witness what parts of yourself arise. For example, do you feel an anxious part? Is there a voice within you that is judging you to be lazy? Is there a part that feels guilt and says you should be doing something different? What’s present you? Consider your thoughts, desires, self-expectations, felt sensations or urges.
It may be that you are experiencing many different parts arising within you. Each is important, but again, we do not need to address them simultaneously or rush through them. Each one has a function, and although it may seem hard to believe, each loves you more than you can imagine in their strange way – and for that reason, they are allowed to be here.

I want you to imagine this love they have for you – can you tap into a small place of compassion, allowance, or love for them within your heart?

Imagine turning towards them all – as a congregation of inner parts and asking if there is just one that wishes to come forward and be heard. Then, as one comes forward, acknowledge the rest, thank them for their patience and presence, and the space they offer as you turn your focus to the one they have selected together.

The Creating On Purpose course has further audio, videos, meditations and pdfs to help you sink deeper into the Magic of the Dark Moon, and the wisdom within your body. Click here to sign up for our next Live Round, or enjoy the on-demand course – both of which grant you lifetime access to any future live rounds.

Journal Questions

  1. Describe the part that has stepped forward. How do you experience it? It may show up as felt sensations, a voice, an image, a charged emotion, or a thought.
  2. Are you able to witness and be with this part from a place of Heart (with an air of calmness, curiosity, patience, love, connectedness, or gratitude)? How are you feeling towards this part?
  3. If you can extend your curiosity, or Heart energy, towards this part, what would it like you to know about it?
  4. If this part could speak, how would it describe its job and how it’s showing up for you?
  5. If this part could speak, what would it say about what its hopes and dreams are for you?
  6. If your Heart were to lead you forward from a place of honouring this part, what wisdom would you carry from it, and what would you leave behind?
  7. How does this part need you to honour it for its wisdom or appreciate it?

Within the Creating On Purpose course, we’ll explore the rhythms of nature, how to cultivate our creativity with ease, and develop our intuition and inner knowing with divine guidance. For many of us, we will be working against patterns that formed when we were young, beliefs that tell us we have to always be productive, push ourselves and work hard, hustle for our future and fit in as much as possible.

You don’t have to live by those narratives anymore, and you don’t have to force them away. Here, you’ll learn to create powerful mental, emotional physical and spiritual freedom, peace and inner connection through practices such as the one I offered you here – while enjoying the playfulness of co-creation and manifestation.

Live rounds are held throughout the year, but this course is also an on-demand offering to serve you as you need.

Hope to see you in our next round!

With love and Dark Moon blessings,

