Manifestation: Beyond the Language

What Is Manifestation?

Manifesting, Abundance, Flow, Limiting Beliefs, Co-Creation – these words all sound beautiful, and they sometimes instill a sense of excitement in me, but what do they mean, and how can I tap into their power?

First of all, without understanding these words, they are just words – and yes, they can feel exciting and mystical, but they can also sound fluffy, occasionally pretentious, and very empty sometimes. I’m not going to go into each word I’ve mentioned above, but I want to take us beyond the language we typically hear when discussing manifestation. So let’s step away from the esoteric for a moment and into the logical reality where we usually reside.

Manifestation is a process.

It’s the process of unlearning what is not serving us or moving us toward our dreams, and it is the process of becoming the embodiment of who we would be if our dreams were a reality. In my experience, this process includes intention setting, a lot of honest moments with ourselves and the systematic dismantling of emotional wounds, core beliefs, and societal or familial burdens. This process also includes action-taking, and yes, it absolutely includes believing in the impossible and the improbable. The manifestation process takes us beyond simple goal setting and carries us on an intentional journey through life, the lessons we need to learn, the patterns we need to break, and the many many things we have to let go of – there’s magic in it. 

It’s shadow work. 

It’s light work.

It’s uncomfortable at times and easy and fluid at others.

And it is a heart-melting process as we develop compassion for ourselves, the people around us, the parts of ourselves that carry hurt, and the parts of us that sometimes show up and hurt, or have hurt, others.

This ‘unlearning’ what no longer serves us teaches us about our boundaries, the years of mental conditioning we’ve experienced, trauma, and imposed beliefs we didn’t know existed within us.

When our stuff and inner pollution come, it’s usually the time we start to feel some resistance – distraction, dissociation, talking ourselves out of it, experiencing intrusive thoughts, and returning to old thought patterns; and let’s face it, those thought patterns are familiar to us, which means that on some level they are also safe.

Do you have to do the shadow work to manifest?

Do you have to go through all this to manifest your dreams? No, you don’t.

Some things in my life have “poofed” into existence with little to no effort: a all-expenses paid trip to palm springs and a visit to Joshua Tree National Park fell off my vision board and into my lap within a year of declaring it was something I wanted. My dream relationship jumped off the pages of my journal and into my life less than three months after writing out the details of my dream relationship and a single day after I had said a hard no to dating someone that wasn’t it.

Yet, other things have taken more time, energy, and dedication to the process of unlearning, loving, and growing, which I consider a part of manifestation.

Keep in mind that I write this through my lens, and I came to this work from a place of deep depression. Manifestation has been a massive part of my healing journey from a lifetime of depression – and the shadow work involved has been pivotal, as have the many people who have helped me on my journey, professional, familial or otherwise. Therefore, I will not negate this side of the manifestation process – it’s vitally important.

It’s also this side of the manifestation process that I focus on in my work. I help women develop self-compassion for the most challenging parts of themselves, explore truth and assist others in unburdening themselves to experience more peace as they move towards their dream lives. I don’t consider myself strictly a manifestation teacher – I’m a coach, my work is to aid others on their journeys, and I am committed to being led by the values of Peace and Truth. 

Your Desires Are Your Path Forward

All desires you carry in your heart are meant to be there, and there is no judgment on what you wish to do or have – whether you want to manifest a sense of peacefulness in your day-to-day life or if you want to manifest your first million dollars. 

One desire is not better than the other. 

One desire is not “more spiritual” than the other.

One desire does not make you a better person than the other.

And each will take you on the journey you are meant to be on.

The manifestation process is neither complicated nor is it a shortcut or bypass of the inner work each of us has to do. All you have to do is decide what you want, write it down and release it to the universe. Then go about your life.

I have a saying that has helped me bring many manifestations to fruition:

Hold the vision

Don’t force anything

And move towards what’s peaceful.

If you forget about what you’re manifesting, get distracted, or get swept up in old patterns, struggles or limiting beliefs – don’t worry; you don’t have to start over. Instead, come back to your vision, remind yourself that everything you desire leads you to the inner work you are meant to do, and continue to move towards what’s peaceful – your manifestation is already developing.

Journal Prompts For Manifestation:

  1. If your desire wasn’t wrong or bad, what would you want?
  2. If no one (including you) were to judge you for what you wanted, what would you want?
  3. What do you no longer want in your life, and what is the opposite that you wish to call in?
  4. What feels easy to want and desire that you have no problem declaring to the universe?
  5. What wants or desires feel harder for you to accept and declare?

Would you like more of this perspective on inner work and manifestation?

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Learn the Rhythms of Creating

Nature is the most incredible creator, and we have this nature within us. In my course Creating on Purpose: Moon & Menstrual Magic, we learn this process of manifestation, explore our natural energy and learn to witness and listen to the parts of us that need our attention the most.