5 Journal Prompts to Transform Your Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion – it tells us to “be careful,” “protect yourself,” “be vigilant,” and many other variations on those inner narratives. But, on top of keeping us from moving forward, developing powerful and connected relationships, creating from our hearts and living the way we want to live, fear also activates our sympathetic nervous system. 

Our SNS is the fight, flight, freeze and fawn mechanism within us that increase our heart rate and blood pressure, reduces our ability to digest our food and tenses our bodies, among other things! It’s within us to keep us safe. But safety in our modern world often means emotional safety, not just the safety we may need in the backwoods of Canada if we run into a mama bear. 

Understanding our fear, not just in a clinical way but in the deeply personal and unique-to-you way that only self-inquiry can help you with, is essential when developing your relationship with it. 

Below are five questions to help you understand and transform your fear:

  1. How does my fear show up in my body? How do I feel and experience it?
  2. How does my fear affect my decision-making or cause me to change my mind?
  3. In what ways does my fear protect me in my work, relationships and personal life?
  4. If a small child was in front of me experiencing fear, how would I be with them? In what ways could I help them process their emotion? And am I willing to do the same for myself?
  5. If I imagine my fear as a tunnel instead of a wall, what tools do I already have in my toolbox that could help me walk through it?

This work isn’t always easy, and I want to remind you of how much incredible courage and strength it takes to do it. You’re amazing, and I believe in your extraordinary capacity to not only transform your fear but to sit with it in loving relationship!

I designed The Inner Alchemy Series to take you on this journey of deep listening and presence so that you can hear the wisdom within you and lead yourself forward with empowered confidence and deep knowing.

Each day for five days of this series, you’ll get a different meditation and journal inquiry on each of the five big emotions: fear, guilt, shame, anger and sadness – meditations and journal inquiries that you can come back to time and again!

To access this series, you can join the membership on a 5-DAY FREE TRIAL to explore all it has to offer, including a bank of yoga and movement practices, meditations and visualizations, mini-courses, challenges, and so much more!

With love,
